FSU | Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Science
Please verify that the room being requested is free at the requested time via:Calendar LinkUse the drop down menu located in the top center of the page to change floors.
Your name?
Email Address?
Phone Number?
Conference Room Requested EOAS 1036 (Capacity: 24)EOAS 2008E (Capacity: 8)EOAS 2061 (Capacity: 27)EOAS 3008F (Capacity: 10)EOAS 3067 (Capacity: 27)EOAS 4003 (Capacity: 12)EOAS 4067 (Capacity: 15)EOAS 5067 (Capacity: 15)EOAS 6067 -Restricted Use, EOAS only, (Capacity: 15)
Meeting Date?
Meeting Time?
Meeting Subject?
Do you need a Meeting Owl? (360 degree Camera/Mic/Speaker) YesNo
Owls are only available for EOAS graduate students, staff, and faculty. For additional information on the Meeting Owl please visit: Watch Video
If available, is there any other equipment you need for this meeting?
Additional Meeting Details - (Please note, room reservations may only be requested for the current term)
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