The EOAS Advising Center provides undergraduate advising to students in Environmental Science, Environmental Science and Policy, Geology, FSU Teach (Environmental Science and Applied Geoscience) and Meteorology. Our goal is to provide a supportive atmosphere promoting the educational, career and professional development of all students. To that end, our advisors will assist with all aspects of advising, registration, resolution of academic issues and faculty support. The wellness of our students is important.
Students are encouraged to seek academic advising at least once a semester prior to the registration cycle. Students should see individual faculty members for advice about research interests and potential Directed Individual Study (DIS) opportunities.
Contact an EOAS advisor by e-mail at
Some examples that would require advisement:
• You need academic advising and course planning
• To resolve a map hold
• To initiate a major change
• To complete a Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Appeal memo
• For proof of degree applicability for Financial Aid
• To add a course (late add)
• For course credit evaluation
• Need someone to talk with about overall wellness and resources